Hello, I´m President Club of Seat Leon Spain

00domenica 20 novembre 2005 21:07
Hello. I am the President of Club of Seat Leon Spain. I am interested in to contact with the person in charge of the web of Italy. This it is my email. Gustavomorido@hotmail.com Certainly my second surname is Repetto, and I not to be to speak Italian.

A greeting friends


Roby tdi 150
00domenica 20 novembre 2005 21:16
[SM=x53415] Bienvenido!!! [SM=x53424] [SM=x53416] [SM=x53447]
00domenica 20 novembre 2005 21:23
You are welcome here! [SM=x53415]
We need all boys' experiences from all the world!
You are native of the same country of the LEON!

You surelly know it better than us! [SM=x53419]
00domenica 20 novembre 2005 21:40
Thank´s you
00domenica 20 novembre 2005 21:42
hola! [SM=x53416]
00domenica 20 novembre 2005 21:43
[SM=x53415] Hola y recepción en medio nosotros [SM=x53415]
00lunedì 21 novembre 2005 01:27

¡somos mucho contenido que usted ha venido escribir en nuestro
club! [SM=x53415]
00lunedì 21 novembre 2005 01:56
[SM=x53415] [SM=x53415] [SM=x53415]
00lunedì 21 novembre 2005 07:56
[SM=x53415] [SM=x53415] [SM=x53415] [SM=x53415]
00lunedì 21 novembre 2005 08:35
Si hablo en Español se me entiende? Bueno me presento me llamo Gustavo Adolfo Morido Repetto soy presidente del club de propietarios del Seat Leon España, y tambien soy el administrador de la web www.clubseatleon.net.
00lunedì 21 novembre 2005 08:46
Welcome to this web site. [SM=x53415]
I'm very proud to know the president of seat leon spanish club. [SM=x53424]

I think that the same passion for seat leon will be able to be friends! [SM=x53416]

00lunedì 21 novembre 2005 08:50
I am proud also to be able to speak with you
00lunedì 21 novembre 2005 08:52

Scritto da: RepettoSpain 21/11/2005 8.50
I am proud also to be able to speak with you

Thank you very much. [SM=x53459]
00lunedì 21 novembre 2005 08:59
My like to create an alliance between italian and españa to be able to share information, experience and interest for our car.
00lunedì 21 novembre 2005 09:15
00lunedì 21 novembre 2005 09:21

Scritto da: RepettoSpain 21/11/2005 8.59
My like to create an alliance between italian and españa to be able to share information, experience and interest for our car.

¡Hola! bienvenido.. tu nombre parece italiano, es una buena idea la que tuviste... Voy a ver de contactar el presidente de nuestro club para ver si logramos a hacer una aleancia con ustedes... si prefieres hablar español no creo que hayan problemas..
00lunedì 21 novembre 2005 09:24

Scritto da: RepettoSpain 21/11/2005 8.59
My like to create an alliance between italian and españa to be able to share information, experience and interest for our car.

It's a great idea! [SM=x53419]

We have already some instruction's manual in spanish.
This is the link: CLICK ME!

I hope you find this interesting!

'bye [SM=x53415]
00lunedì 21 novembre 2005 09:41
Mi apellido segundo es REPETTO se que es de Sampierdarena (Genova).Un antepasado mio se vino a España en el 1790.
00lunedì 21 novembre 2005 09:46

Scritto da: RepettoSpain 21/11/2005 9.41
Mi apellido segundo es REPETTO se que es de Sampierdarena (Genova).Un antepasado mio se vino a España en el 1790.

de verdad, yo soy de Genoa y en esta zona tu apellido segundo es tipico.
mira el link que te mandó black top sport... son muy interesantes...
00lunedì 21 novembre 2005 10:42
hola chico!
00lunedì 21 novembre 2005 13:42
holaaaaaaaaaaa [SM=x53419]
00lunedì 21 novembre 2005 14:46

Scritto da: RepettoSpain 21/11/2005 8.59
My like to create an alliance between italian and españa to be able to share information, experience and interest for our car.

Hallo, I am the President of this Club.
This idea is very interesting;

I contact you at your e-mail. [SM=x53415]
00lunedì 21 novembre 2005 14:53
vai mimmo fatti spedire 1 50ntina di para cupra r che la da lui costano meno
00lunedì 21 novembre 2005 15:23

Scritto da: driver1896 21/11/2005 14.53
vai mimmo fatti spedire 1 50ntina di para cupra r che la da lui costano meno

[SM=x53420] [SM=x53420] [SM=x53420]
00lunedì 21 novembre 2005 19:58
[SM=x53417] [SM=x53417]

00martedì 22 novembre 2005 16:08
[SM=x53415] ¡Hola! bienvenido [SM=x53424]

00martedì 22 novembre 2005 18:05
Welcome in the club, your country is indeed beautifulst, the reign of the leon [SM=x53419] [SM=x53419] [SM=x53415]
the ultimate leon
00martedì 22 novembre 2005 18:19
hi please to meet you! you are welkooooooom! [SM=x53416]
00martedì 22 novembre 2005 21:36
For sure you're welcome in our club. [SM=x53416]
Hopefully you enjoy staying in this site and appreciate the people inside the club.
It's a great idea to create an alliance between the Spanish and the Italian Leon Club, anyway these decision should be taken and managed by our staff. [SM=x53418]
For further details you may keep in contact with the guys of our staff in order to improve the relations and to set up agreements.

Stay tuned! [SM=x53447]

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